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OGC Vocabularies

Alternate Profiles

Different views and formats:

Alternate Profiles ?Profiles (alternative information views) encoded in various Media Types (HTML, text, RDF, JSON etc.) are available for this resource.


?A simple text matching filter of the list content to the left
Definitions registered by OGC standardisation activities or hosted on behalf of related organisations.


Automated Pagination (more)

To page through these items, use query string arguments 'page' and 'per_page'.

HTTP Link headers of first, prev, next & last are given in web responses.

Example: assuming 500 items, page 7, of 50 per page, is given by:

Link header with a response assuming 500 items would be:

Link:   <> rel="first",
<> rel="prev",
<> rel="next",
<> rel="last"

If you want to page through the whole collection, start at first and follow link headers until you reach last or until no last is given. You shouldn't try to calculate each page query string argument yourself.

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01778, USA